As we head into 2009, I look back over the years at how far technology has come in terms of communication. 25 or so years ago when I was in high school we were one of the few households that had more than one phone line ... and that's only because I was spoiled and didn't want to share a line with my family so I bought my own. I didn't know anyone with an answering machine. Residential voice mail was unheard, and you couldn't tell who was calling unless you picked up the phone and recognized the voice on the other end. Now most people, even children, have mobile phones and sometimes two or three. Simply amazing. Everyone is accessible whether they like it or not.
I activated my Facebook account a few weeks ago and I'm finding old friends from high school. Some I never thought I'd hear from again, and some I'd forgot even existed. After only a few weeks, I have linked to 70 "friends" of which about half are relatives. What a great way to keep in touch! And also learn more about people.
I've adop
ted a pet dog on Facebook. Her name is Frances and I log in every day to feed her, play with her, make sure her needs are met, and take her to competitions. I also pet other's dogs to earn points so that I can train Frances. I think I'm getting addicted to my little virtual pet ... she is very cute. I'm sure one day soon I'll realize that I have other more important responsibilities in life, but for now I'm enjoying Frances.