I love John Grisham novels ... not sure why since I have little interest in our legal system. Maybe because he creates fascinating characters with exciting plots. I was able to pick it up 10 days ago but haven't had much time to read. I'm about one-third of the way through now. It's pretty good, but its no Pelican Brief or Street Lawyer. Kyle is about to graduate from Yale law school when he gets blackmailed into taking a job at a gigantic law firm in NYC and spying against them.
Wouldn't you know it, I get notice from the library that The Shack is ready and if I don't pick it up by soon

So I picked it up today with the intent to finish The Associate first. I had 10 minutes to kill as I waited for Riley to get out of rehearsal so I read the first 6 or 7 pages and was intrigued.
Should I ditch Grisham for the Shack? Have you read either book?