Eight miles into the trip Lori, the former girl scout, bailed Jami out with a spare tube and bike tools when her tire went flat from dry rot. Nathan provided the labor.
From Huntsdale to Rochport the Trail follows
In Rocheport we had an over-priced lunch that tasted mediocre. A
Just past Rocheport is the old train tunnel. The air was refreshingly cool in there. Look how big our muscles are after riding 2
We were headed towards the bridge into Booneville on the clearly marked Katy Trail when some guy said we were going the wrong way. Jami followed the lost soul while Nathan and I confidently rode ahead. In this picture, Nathan is waiting for Jami because she took the long route by trusting a stranger instead of her boyfriend.
We had to ride around Booneville for a while before finding Kemper Park. Our camping gear was waiting for us so we picked out our spots, set up tents, and headed for the YMCA to shower.
The band quit at 10:30pm and I headed to my tent exhausted from the heat and 35 miles on a low-end Schwinn hybrid. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Tim from the next door tent, came over to see if I'd join him for a drink at Glenn's bar. I graciously declined, then listened to an owl hooting in the wood, then listened to several tired inebriated bikers imitating owls, and then fell asleep.
I woke at 7am and took the Schwinn in search for caffeine. I bought a donut and coffee with a double shot of espresso at the local Conoco and chilled by the tent while others tore down their campsites.
We were almost the last to leave at 9am. Tim decided to ride back with us and a few miles out we caught up with Josh, another guy traveling alone who had also pitched his tent near us. It was nice to hit the unshaded part of the trail (between New Franklin and Rocheport) before the clouds broke and it became steamy hot. We passed The Roadhouse too early for the first band and when we came upon Les Bourgeois Winery we found we were 2 hours early for their first band also. It would have been nice to enjoy the A-Frame for a bit but instead we were entertained by a dog tormenting a long black sn
This pic is taken from the cliff at Bourgeois with the I-70 bridge over the Mighty Mo in the background.
We hit the trail again at 11:00 and decided slow down so we wouldn't be ahead of all the bands start times. Josh decided to stay behind and hang out at Bourgeois. We slowed our pace to under 10 mph and still missed all the bands. We rolled into McBaine around noon and had lunch at Lucy's dive. A burger & fries and diet rootbeer never tasted so good in my life!
This picture shows Jami & Nathan picking out a Pink Floyd song on the jukebox.
After lunch we left jumped back on the Trail and rode the Boone County maintained MKT trail back into Columbia. I broke from the group at Forum Blvd and rode directly to the family restaruant, Angelo's, to get my truck. Then I went back to Flat Branch to pick up my camping gear. Jami, Nathan, & Tim were just leaving so we went and had ice cream at Sparky's to officially end the trip.
Back at Soula's the gang was taking an afternoon swim. Riley & I packed our belongings, had dinner at Angelo's then headed back to KC for the real world.
It was a great trip and I hope to do it again next year. Word of caution if you are planning on participating next year ... there is no support on the trail. Water is provided at the start and finishing points only, and no bike support during the ride. The entry fee pays for the bands and transporting your camping gear.