Okay, I've really neglected my blog. I update my status on Facebook a few times a week so maybe I just assume people know whats going on in my life. But I must remind myself that I'd like this to be a documentary of my life. What happens to me is not as important as how I react to it ... so lets backtrack to the weekend of March 28th.
Unless you count Riley's "camping" trip to Tan-Tar-A with girl scouts when she was 7, this was her first weekend away from home with a group of other kids. The Tan-Tar-A thing doesn't really count because she was only gone for 24-hours and she was with one of her good friend's parents.
Our brave youth pastor at church took the kids down to Silver Dollar City for Christian Youth Weekend for a weekend of rockin fun and fellowship. At first Riley didn't want to go without me, but she changed her mind. Altogether 14 youth and 5 adult chaperons made the trek to southern Missouri.

In KC we got almost 5" of snow that weekend. At least they only had rain to deal with in Branson. I'm told most of the rides at SDC shut down because of the temperature so everyone received a voucher for free admission in 2009.
So what did mom do with her free weekend? Something I don't do often ... have relaxing dinner with friends and no kids. Saturday morning, I had my own form of fellowship and met some girlfriends (the mom's club) at Paneras for some coffee. I watched Mizzou barely miss getting in the Final Four of the NCAA tournament, and I did a five-mile run on my treadmill, my longest ever. (Had to cancel that bike ride up at Smithville lake because of the SNOW!)
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