Our pastor started a sermon series titled “iNeed2Change” and today’s focus was Attitude. This will be one that hits home for me .
My intent when I started to blog 3 years ago was not to portray my negative side, which often dominates me. I live a pretty good life, but recently I have been in retreating deeper into my content little circle peering out at the bigger world around me with negative eyes. If I let my mind wander I naturally see the glass half empty, everything from global issues like society’s decaying morals to petty minor issues such as neighbors not treating their growing crops of dandelions.
My sister told me I need to blog more, though when I’ve felt like blogging lately, it has been a desire to convey my attitudes about things that irk me rather than how I see life positively. In addition, my life has been pretty routine lately and not exciting enough to share :) I got to work, come home, cook, clean, workout, and relax a bit by reading, playing on the computer or watching TV. Sometimes the order of these activities is mixed up a bit, but generally that is my typical weekday.
Now I don’t share my negative opinions much, but I do believe in karma. Could it be that my two accidents (toe and bike wreck) this summer have been a result of negative thoughts? Maybe when a friend confides that they don’t understand why their diet isn’t working all the while eating a bag of butter pretzels, maybe I should tactfully explain instead of sarcastically thinking “DUH!!!”
The message at church today was how to live life with a more positive attitude. Does complaining really help solve problems? Attitudes are contagious and removing negative people from your life while still showing God’s love will have a positive impact on how you see life. From today forward I am going to look for the half-full glasses. I’m happy that my friend recognizes the need for a healthy life even though the implementation of a diet isn’t successful.
1 comment:
I am always glad to read your blogs- exciting, mundane, or elsewise! You write well and even what you call typical might be somewhat exciting to others. Keep showing us glimpses of world.
I consider myself a pretty positive person generally. That is why I was surprised a few years ago when I started writing more and more and discovered my writing sometimes took on its own life--mostly dark. I think we all have both sides and we just need to be sure not to dwell in the dark.
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