Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's been well over a month since I wrote, please forgive me. Momma always said if I didn't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all, and it seems that lately I've only been seeing the negative side of life.

The economy is top of mind. If the dumb media would just shut up then it would improve! News reports are constantly talking about how bad it is and how it will get worse before it gets better. Heck Ya! Now everyone is going to stop spending and save for the day they loose their job ... just fueling the problem. Too bad we're not the Soviets, because if the Obama administration could sensor the press then the economy would improve, but since we have freedom of speech the idiot press will continue to be the biggest part of the problem.

Life is busy, both at work and at home. I like being busy but there is a point when I'm too busy I get cranky ... I think I'm hitting that point. Riley is overbooked in her activities with most of her time going to volleyball or the spring musical. She likes both and I'd like her to stay involved in both, though together they take up a lot of time. Add to the mix: scouts, guitar lessons, and youth group and something starts to suffer from neglect. Luckily she doesn't have a big speaking role in the musical so she doesn't have to spend additional time outside rehearsal learning lines. I'm very proud of her and her level of maturity at this age, but its stressing me out! But don't worry about me, we have 2 weekends in a row without a tournament ... whatever shall I do with a free Saturday?

I gained 12 lbs when I took some time (3 1/2 months) off from exercising last fall. I've been trying to get back in shape for 2 months now, and its a slower process than usual. I'm running about 15 miles a week and biking 6-10 miles. I've lost 2 lbs, but my real diet starts tomorrow with Ash Wednesday. Hopefully I'll get over this hurdle soon and working out will become enjoyable for me again.

Sorry to be Debbie Downer. I promise this to be my only negative post for 2009!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm depressed now...